Tuesday, October 15, 2013

To iron or not? Of course I do mean only when there is company.

So Liv's big girl sheets came today and they are so stinkin cute! Floral Gem Sheet Set However, now I am perplexed about the whole ironing the sheets thing - do people really take the time to do this? - I think I know one person who does, but I freakin hate ironing. Can you iron while the sheets are on the bed? Do you steam them? Do you have to have a special iron (I'm sure that one in slightly better shape than mine is necessary)? I guess you can see how much I iron since this was some hand me down from like 15 years ago.
Do you have to have special ironing skills - know how hot to make iron, when to release the steam button, how long to hold the steam button down? OMG - this is exactly why I don't iron. But now all I can picture is how beautifully pressed and packaged those sheets were before I tore them from the packaging. Seeing their wrinkle free appearance led me on a Google search regarding if I should even wash new sheets to begin with - after reading about formaldehyde in sheet factories I opted for yes. Although if there were for Joe and I I might have just said screw it and skipped that step. And this is coming fresh off of buying a new mattress to put the sheets on which will be delivered tomm. That was a fiasco in and of itself since Joe and I can't even decide on a $6 appetizer let alone a mattress that costs thousands of dollars. I laid on every mattress in the store at least 15 times and then my lovely husband decided to tell me my feet were dirty when we got home(he didn't want to embarrass me in the store - how kind). Oh and I think I left one of my favorite garage sale sweatshirts (the blue one you got me mom) at the store as I was dropping all of my belongings throughout the store as I bounced from bed to bed. After I figure out the sheet situation it is on to a new headboard and a quilt. Joe is less than pleased that I refuse to use the bed frame and head and footboard we already have. It is a beautiful bed, but it doesn't match my vision for Olivia's new room so stay tuned for that ad on Craigslist. It is Cherry BroyHill Sleigh bed if anyone is interested in purchasing :) In the meantime I have recruited a few peeps to make the tufted white headboard a reality :) Stay tuned for progress and pics (or lack of progress and just the stories that result from it).

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